This is a game that is better in small doses or shared with others. The game even has a designated party mode if you want to hide the menus entirely and open a fresh local scoreboard.
I almost feel like this is a game a person could get in shape playing. It starts off easy but you spend a lot of time waving your arms around and dodging bullets. If you don't want to exercise though I did find a surprisingly effective strategy of sitting on the floor with my shield up like a turtle and shooting droids from cover.
On another note, it might be cool if you could get some gloves as controllers since I'm finding that I'm spending a lot of time reaching for the ground or the walls. It'd be nice to go hand-first rather than controller first. I've only had the thing for a week and I've already scratched the controllers just slightly. I also feel like it's unlikely they'd be able to support my weight if I had to use them to break a fall.
Looks like at least one company is working on this already.
Anyways it's a good demonstration for VR and you can have some fun with it. I do think at $17 it might be a little overpriced though. Check it out here if you're interested.